The Liberated Mind Project Foundational Module
Do you suffer from ANY of the following?
• Excessive self-doubt, self-criticism, or fear of other people judging you;
• Trouble accepting or "getting over" things that have happened in your life;
• Intense emotions, including anger, guilt, shame, regret, grief, and overwhelm;
• Seemingly uncontrollable habits like overeating, alcohol abuse, or gambling;
• Frequent worrying about the future or obsessing about the past;
• Difficulty releasing stress, relaxing, or sleeping well at night; or
• Fighting yourself..."I wish I could stop thinking/feeling/doing ____, but I can't help it."
If so, then you're like millions of others. This Foundational Module of The Liberated Mind Project may be a great first (or next) step to help you free yourself to recover from those emotional and behavioral challenges.
This program focuses on education, inspiration, and transformation, mirroring some of the most powerful sessions we’ve conducted 1-on-1 for those striving to recover from various personal issues. Education is developing conscious self-awareness and understanding the nature of your challenges. Inspiration is the building of self-efficacy and motivation to change. Transformation is the subconscious shift that allows you to think, feel, and do better more easily and naturally than ever before. All three components are necessary for profound and lasting change, whether you're working with someone 1-on-1 (as in our private sessions) or using a digital program like this one.
Many people have reported major, life-changing improvements after experiencing the content in this program, as well as a much greater knowledge of how their mind affects everything they think, feel, and do. While we don’t think it’s realistic to expect The Liberated Mind Project to be a cure-all and completely flip your world right side up, it is certainly possible.
To be quite honest, our intention and goal is to help you make enough progress along your path of personal transformation so that any 1-on-1, customized work you may choose to do in the future (either with us or someone else) will be easier, faster, and more effective. We believe that we can achieve this outcome by providing an effective and easy-to-follow program at a price that anyone committed to personal growth can afford, especially with the security of a 30-day money back guarantee.
On a preset schedule over a few weeks, you will receive a number of video-based, mini workshops that will educate you on 30 key topics and actually shift your perceptions and feelings in real time. During that period, you’ll also experience several powerful hypnosis audios that will help with relaxation and sleep, self-acceptance, letting go of the past, and personal commitment to your progress and recovery. The course material will be released on a schedule that is manageable for most people, involving, on average, less than an hour per day over four weeks.
If you're ready for a challenge that empowers you to become your best self, get started with The Liberated Mind Project today and begin to think, feel, and do better in your life.
Here are the details of what you can expect in this program:
Introductory video: Meet Your Hypnotists. It will give you a quick introduction to Todd and Gina Goodwin's approach to resolving emotional and behavioral challenges, as well as an overview of what hypnosis is and isn't and how it can facilitate personal change.
Video #1: Fundamental Concepts. Having a clear understanding of the inner workings of your mind will prime you for successfully integrating the educational mini workshops and powerful hypnosis sessions that will follow. Divided into three parts, this one-hour, foundational video addresses more than two dozen key concepts that everyone should know (but few actually do), including how your mind works (and doesn’t work), relationships between thoughts-feelings-actions, how and why we sabotage ourselves (and how to prevent it), factors that determine relapse or recovery, how your mind can resolve (or hold on to) trauma, and so much more. Along the way, you'll have more than a dozen opportunities to pause for a moment and answer a few questions that will help to reinforce what you're learning. Including all of the exercises, you may spend up to two hours total with these video segments – time well spent. Many people replay it to absorb what they missed the first time. Prepare for some mental light bulbs to start lighting up!
Video #2: Anger and Resentment is the first of four topic-specific mini workshops, each of which combines lecture and practical techniques and is less than one hour long. This video explains the different types, causes, and effects of anger and helps you to reduce its negative effect on you. One exercise will help you to immediately minimize any feelings of aggravation or intimidation that you had remembered from an interaction with another person. You'll also benefit from an "inner child" meditation that will reframe certain past experiences.
Video #3: Guilt, Shame, and Regret is the second of four topic-specific mini workshops. This video explores what causes each of those related emotions, how they differ, and how they often lead to unforeseen negative consequences. Using two powerful client stories as examples, you'll learn how you can begin to dissolve any guilt, shame, and regret that you have been holding on to. In addition, a guided visualization will help you to enhance your self-worth.
Video #4: Worry and Excessive Fears. This video addresses common issues like stress, anxiety, and phobias and offers some easy-to-learn tools to quickly ease or block those feelings. You'll learn why your subconscious mind creates fear and how to address the self-imposed personal labels and "obligations" that may be causing problems in your life.
Video #5: Uncontrollable Behaviors and Habits. This final mini workshop explores the behavioral consequences of the emotions that we covered in the previous three mini workshops. Learn the factors that drive and maintain so-called bad habits or addictions, how your identity and self-image can determine both recovery and relapse, and why our apparent self-sabotage actually serves us.
There are two hypnosis audios that will re-establish a healthy sleep pattern. Breathing and Visualizing will teach you some valuable techniques to help you unwind and prepare to fall asleep. Use at bedtime, just before bedtime, or even as a break in your day to start to condition your mind-body to relax more consistently. Progressively Relaxing builds on the previous sleep audio in terms of conditioning the relaxation response and improving your mindset relating to sleep. After alternating between these audios for a couple of weeks, you may be able to reproduce the experience on your own.
There are two transformational hypnosis audios that will de-condition the stress response and improve how you think and feel. Increase Self-Worth and Reframe Limiting Beliefs establishes one of the foundations of personal development and emotional healing – enhancing self-acceptance and releasing unwanted baggage and disempowering labels from the past. This recording will establish more affirming beliefs about yourself and your life, while boosting your commitment to successfully recovering from your personal challenges. Allow Positive Changes to Flow will take you on a peaceful nature walk which will begin to instill a relaxed attitude about personal growth. Along the way, you will have various experiences that will help you develop more balanced thinking, and you will meet certain characters that will inspire your desire and readiness to make emotional and behavioral changes. It will cultivate a mindset of personal responsibility (not self-blame) for your current situation and how to realize full recovery and healing.
After a few weeks, you will have fully experienced all of the program material, by which time most people have begun to notice measurable improvements in various parts of their lives. We recommend additional use of the program content for at least another couple of weeks, as the more you listen to the audios, watch the videos, and practice the techniques and exercises, the more profound and long-lasting the benefits will be.
If you're ready for a challenge that empowers you to become your best self, get started with The Liberated Mind Project Foundational Module today and begin to think, feel, and do better in your life.
VERY IMPORTANT! To receive the e-mail messages relating to this course, you must check "I agree to receive instructional and promotional emails" on the checkout page. Also, we strongly recommend that you download the
Teachable app, as that is the simplest way to access your course work,
especially the audio and video files.
Your Teacher
Todd Goodwin is in rare company as a Board Certified Fellow of the
National Guild of Hypnotists, since only one in every 500 hypnotists
have earned that designation. He is also the author of the book,
Break the Chains of Smoking: How to
Escape the Mental and Emotional Prison That Keeps You Addicted.
Todd has studied human behavior since 1995, with a bachelor's degree in Behavioral Science from Washington University in St. Louis and a master's degree in Nutrition and Health Promotion from Simmons University in Boston. In 2007, Todd opened Goodwin Hypnosis.
Gina Goodwin used hypnosis to overcome her own trauma, she was inspired to become a
hypnotist in 2014. The next year, she joined Todd to help thousands of clients to
recover from emotional and behavioral challenges, ranging from stress,
anxiety, and fears to smoking and eating habits.
Gina, who is among the 2% of hypnotists who have been awarded the title of Board Certified Hypnotist, has helped countless clients to overcome the traumatic effects of childhood physical and/or sexual abuse.
Both Gina and Todd are also certified Master Practitioners of NLP and regularly use complementary techniques, such as the Demartini Method and Integral Eye Movement Therapy. Currently, they see private clients primarily for the resolution of emotional trauma and related issues. Their successful strategy has been to identify and resolve the real problems that cause these emotional or behavioral issues, instead of merely treating symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions
VERY IMPORTANT! To receive the e-mail messages relating to this course, you must check "I agree to receive instructional and promotional emails" on the checkout page. Also, we strongly recommend that you download the Teachable app, as that is the simplest way to access your course work, especially the audio and video files.