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The Liberated Mind Project Foundational Module
Getting Started and Day 1
Introductory Video: Meet Your Hypnotists (5:06)
Video #1: Fundamental Concepts (in 3 parts) (56:49)
Sleep Hypnosis 1 - Breathing and Visualizing
Day 6
Mini Workshop Video #2: Anger and Resentment (50:21)
Sleep Hypnosis 2 - Progressively Relaxing
Day 8
Mini Workshop Video #3: Guilt, Shame, and Regret (51:07)
Day 10
Mini Workshop Video #4: Worry and Excessive Fears (46:22)
Day 12
Mini Workshop Video #5: Uncontrollable Behaviors and Habits (48:19)
Day 13
Increase Self-Worth and Reframe Limiting Beliefs
Day 17
Allow Positive Changes to Flow (Peaceful Nature Walk)
Day 21
What to do next...
Mini Workshop Video #4: Worry and Excessive Fears
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